Nirmal Roy, Agathe Balayn, David Maxwell and Claudia Hauff. Hear Me Out: A Study on the Use of the Voice Modality for Crowdsourced Relevance Assessments. SIGIR .
Tim Draws, Nirmal Roy, Oana Inel, Alisa Rieger, Rishav Hada, Mehmet Orcun Yalcin, Benjamin Timmermans and Nava Tintarev. Viewpoint Diversity in Search Results. ECIR [PDF].
Nirmal Roy, David Maxwell and Claudia Hauff. Users and Contemporary SERPs: A (Re-)Investigation. SIGIR [PDF].
Nirmal Roy, Arthur Câmara, David Maxwell and Claudia Hauff. Incorporating Widget Positioning in Interaction Models of Search Behaviour. ICTIR [PDF].
Nirmal Roy, Manuel Valle Torre, Ujwal Gadiraju, David Maxwell and Claudia Hauff. How Do Active Reading Strategies Affect Learning Outcomes in Web Search? ECIR [PDF] .
Nirmal Roy, Manuel Valle Torre, Ujwal Gadiraju, David Maxwell and Claudia Hauff. Note the Highlight: Incorporating Active Reading Tools for Search As Learning. CHIIR [PDF] .
Arthur Câmara, Nirmal Roy, David Maxwell and Claudia Hauff. Searching to Learn with Instructional Scaffolding. CHIIR [PDF] .
Nirmal Roy, Felipe Moraes, Claudia Hauff. Exploring Users’ Learning Gains within Search Sessions. CHIIR [PDF] [code].
Nirmal Roy. Master’s Thesis: Word Embedding Models for Query Expansion in Answer Passage Retrieval. TUDELFT [pdf]